Saturday, June 21, 2008

RSS feeds

RSS feeds target my interests and greatly expand knowledge in these areas in a time-efficient and fun way! I'd like to increase the number of feeds, especially in specialty areas like native Florida planting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sharing photos

Families and friends keep in touch much more quickly with the photo-sharing that Flickr and other programs provide. I will enjoy sharing with family and friends that live in far-off places.


Originally uploaded by cocobrain
The LIbrary as an exciting Place was firmly established on Saturday May 3rd when a large crowd enjoyed bluegrass music at the Jupiter Branch Library.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blogs are being used by libraries, and have been for a while. They provide immediate communication with their patrons, and generate interest from all segments of the community towards participation in their libraries. The give librarians ideas of what their local communities need and enjoy, and even what kinds of services to provide. They create an online sense of community, different from a true social physical interaction which library programs often provide (e.g. music events, cultural festivals, etc.). Most importantly, blogs not only let patrons express themselves, they are fun! A balance of a great, useful collection, online interactivity and resources, and live programs and enticing physical surroundings all help make libraries powerful community entities.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

foray into blogs

I am enjoying this new venture. My sometimes stubborn old ways will not be allowed to impede this new realm of communication. A late start in anything still means a start, and it's important to move forward. I blog for the sake of keeping up with vital, exciting new trends in the world and the library, and for the good of communicating with friends, grandchildren and new relatives -my daughter just got married!-and new acquaintances.